Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2018 from all at Huxtable Farm B&B xx

Huxtable Farm B&B North Devon Exmoor
Please click on this link (2018 events dates) for some events to look forward to whilst staying at Huxtable Farm B&B and here for things you can do for free
Such as ;- Witness our ewes lambing during the three weeks 26th March – 14th April. Easter is on the 1st April; to look forward to Easter Egg hunts at all the attractions in the area; Quince Honey Farm, The Big Sheep, The Milky Way, NT Arlington Court, RHS Rosemoor, Hartland Abbey and find the Easter chicks at Clovelly!
Other dates to remember: 14th February – Valentines Day, 11th March Mother Day, 1st April Easter Day & Bank Holidays 7th & 28th May. 17th June – Fathers Day and Summer Bank Holiday 27th August.