Shearing the Jacob sheep in June
June is such a busy time on the farm, so much so that I’ve only just round to writing this blog on the longest day of the year when we’re due to see a strawberry moon!
The rhubarb, gooseberries & elderflowers are lovely this year so there’s plenty of fresh produce for the breakfast table; honeyed rhubarb and homemade gooseberry & elderflower jam which is a favourite with everyone.
– The Jacob sheep seem pleased in this warm weather to have been shorn at the beginning of June and we now have lots of beautifully soft Jacob & Jacob cross Texel fleeces for spinners & felters to purchase.
– The birds are busy feeding their young and the Swallows and House Martins are soaring over the roofs & making their muddy nests in the eaves of the farm buildings.

Beautiful roses – RHS Rosemoor
– The Lupins and Roses are full of colour, which reminds me to visit RHS Rosemoor soon to see their beautiful rose gardens during their Rose Festival June 6 – 10th July.
June is a great time to visit the beautiful gardens, National Trust properties, historic houses, harbours and market towns of North Devon & Exmoor or enjoy a stroll away from it all on Exmoor along the side of a river (We’ll share with you some special places to visit!).

Devon Cream Tea welcome
With National Cream Tea Day on the 24th June, in Devon we like to put the cream on the scone and the jam on top of the cream. You can enjoy a Cream Tea welcome any time of year at Huxtable Farm B&B
With Wimbledon & July approaching fast here’s a few things that are taking place over the next few weeks: –
What’s on at RHS Rosemoor – Rose Festival June 6 – 10th July
National Trust Arlington Court – Art displays during July
Getting active during your stay in North Devon
Beaches of North Devon