April – Lambs, primroses and Easter chicks

Spring flowers at Huxtable Farm
The spring garden is looking so colourful with bright sunshine yellow daffodils and primroses (Devon’s County Flower), blue grape hyacinths and beautiful pink camellias.
This is my favourite time of year; the birds are singing, the ewes have started #lambing (the Jacob lambs are so adorable) and we have a few broody hens sitting on eggs and some eggs in the incubator due to hatch on #Easter day
With Easter (16th April) approaching here are a few event’s occurring near to Huxtable Farm Bed and Breakfast (click on this link), in North Devon.
Not only is there so much to see and do on and around the farm, there are so many #Easter #Egg hunts to look forward to at all the attractions in the area; Quince Honey Farm, The Big Sheep, The Milky Way, NT Arlington Court, RHS Rosemoor, Hartland Abbey and find the Easter chicks at Clovelly!

Hawthorn blossom
Other events this March in the area include;
RHS Rosemoor Easter Lindt Gold Bunny Hunt (1st -17th April) & Easter crafts
Easter fun at National Trust Arlington Court & Cadburys Easter Eggs Hunt (14-17Th April)
April at Huxtable Farm B&B, Devon, Exmoor near Barnstaple and South Molton March at Huxtable Farm B&B, Devon, Exmoor near Barnstaple and South Molton

Running across countryside field